[osx] you'll need to download these items: - the executable from the CD.
Oct 11, 2017
It's not installed by default, but it's easy to install Championship Manager 01-02 using the installer CD/DVD as a standalone installer. You don't need a network connection to run it. Use the instructions on the Setup Help file (or the quick install manual) to install it. You'll get a message at the end to install the CHAMPIONSHIP MANAGER 01-02/12 Patch. The patch is available for download from the Install and play help file (see below). You can extract the patch anywhere you like (it's a.zip file), then just double click it to install it. After installation, you can access the Patch Menu from the Game Menu (or by pressing the J key. It's a choice between the CHAMPIONSHIP MANAGER 01-02 and the CHAMPIONSHIP MANAGER 01-02/12 Patch.
Jan 31, 2019
I recently saw this on Youtube, so here's a copy of the video link:
Oct 19, 2018
To obtain a crack-free version of Championship Manager 01-02, it is necessary to use the install and play file supplied with the game. Please read the CHAMPIONSHIP MANAGER 01-02 INSTALL & PLAY HELP FILES INSTRUCTIONS on how to download it.
Jan 31, 2019
I've also created an install and play help file for you.
Oct 19, 2018
I had a quick go at the Champion Manager 01-02 starter pack recently and thought I'd share my thoughts with you all. I've had the game for a few years and am very familiar with it. I've played several patch versions over the years, have been on various websites and forums and regularly use the Win-Update application. Because of this I've accumulated a good number of patches over the years and the game runs quite well, but I still had some little issues here and there. I'm sure this will resolve most of them. So first, let's take a quick look at the stats for my machine: 16GB RAM, quad core CPU (Intel i7-6700HQ), 64 bit OS (Windows 10). I have a Macbook Pro (Retina). The game runs very fast on this machine. This is probably due to the low spec machine. The starter pack installs itself, runs and updates the game very quickly be359ba680
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